欧洲罗马尼亚发育着典型的第四纪风积黄土-古土壤地层,通过对Mircea Voda剖面黄土-古土壤样品进行磁化率、频率磁化率、非磁滞剩余磁化强度、等温剩磁、热磁曲线和磁滞回线等岩石磁学参数测试分析,发现罗马尼亚Mircea Voda黄土-古土壤序列磁化率曲线形态与中国黄土高原中部西峰黄土极为相似;而且所含磁性矿物种类也很相似,主要以亚铁磁性矿物(磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿)为主,也含有反铁磁性矿物(赤铁矿和针铁矿)。罗马尼亚Mircea Voda黄土与中国西峰黄土有相似的成土模式,成土过程都是在干旱氧化环境中进行,磁化率与成土作用基本成正相关关系。磁化率在成土弱的黄土层中获低值,在成土强的古土壤层中获高值,反映冰期、间冰期旋回在全球范围内对气候影响的一致性。成土过程粒度小的超顺磁(SP)和单畴(SD)亚铁磁性矿物相对含量的增加是罗马尼业Mircea Voda剖面古土壤磁化率增强的主要原因。罗马尼亚Mircea Voda黄土的磁化率数值整体低于中国西峰黄土的值,物源的差异以及罗马尼亚气候的水热不同期使得古土壤发育弱于中国黄土,以及地下水对剖面底部土壤层的淋溶作用,可能是造成Mireea Voda黄土磁化率低于西峰黄土的原因。
The Mircea Voda loess paleosol sequence in Romania is located in the Dobrudja Plateau at a distance of about 13km from the Danube and 40kin from the Black Sea coast(44°19'15"N,28°11'21"E). The climate of the Mircea Voda area is affected by the Mediterranean climate: hot and dry summer and wet and cold winter. Every year it generally has 6 months of dryness and 3months of drought. The meteorological data show that the average annual rainfall of the Dobrudja Plateau is 600 - 800mm, and the average annual evaporation is 476mm. About 30m of Quaternary aeolian deposits including five strongly developed pedo-complexes can be observed. The loess-paleosol sequences overlie limnic sediments of presumably lower Pleistocene age on Tertiary and Mesozoic sediments. By analyzing several magnetic parameters, such as Xf, Xfd%, XARX, IRM, SIRM, J-T and hysteresis loop of Mircea Voda loess samples,their results show that the magnetic minerals of Mircea Voda loess-paleosol sequence are similar with that of Chinese loess, which are predominated by magnetite and maghemite, meanwhile, and goethite. Romanian loess shows a consistent loess paleosol pattern with the Xifeng loess in Chinese Loess Plateau,the pedogenic process was completed in a strongly oxidized environment, and the magnetic susceptibility has a positive correlation with the pedogenic process in general. The values of magnetic susceptibility are low in loess and high in paleosol,indicating that the glacial-interglacial circulation had a global influence. The pedogenic producing SP and SD ferrimagnetic minerals is the main reason for increasing magnetic susceptibility in paleosol. But the values of magnetic susceptibility in Mircea Voda section are low compared with Xifeng section in Chinese Loess Plateau. The X0 is the magnetic susceptibility when the Xfd% is zero. The Z0 of Romanian loess is lower than that of Xifeng loess,so the difference of their original materials is likely to be one of the reasons why the magnetic susceptibility of Romanian loess is
Quaternary Sciences
Romanian loess, environmental magnetism,magnetic susceptibility,pedogenesis process