Because of high efficiency of block electrode and high precision of WEDG processing, the two processing units are combined together to study in this paper. With the multi-mode pulse gen- erator, a method to fabricate micro-electrode is developed based on it, which contains three steps, the rough processing by block electrode, the intermediate processing and finish processing by WEDG. Using deionized water as working fluid, the tests of pulse generator mode selection and the experiments of electric parameter selection are done respectively. A group of electric parameters for the three processing steps are obtained with the experimental results. A micro-electrode fabrication method with high efficiency, high accuracy is developed eventually. At last, it's verified with experiments that the method can stably fabricate a micro shaft whose Length/Diameter is greater than 16. And 256 array micro-holes with diameter of less than 50μm, deviation of less than 2μm are produced with it.
Electromachining & Mould