采用FaceReader 4.0面部表情解析系统对北京奥运会女子跳水三米板决赛前三名运动员的面部表情进行解析,并对解析结果进行了情绪心理学的分析与讨论,得出世界顶级女子跳水三米板运动员的面部表情具有总体量化的相似性特征,但中外运动员在惊奇情绪上呈现非常显著性差异;面部表情中直观的忧愁和生气消极情绪,程度适中且在运动员自身控制的范围内,在竞技比赛中其作用也有积极的一面。
Depending on facial expression analytical system of Face Reader 4.0, the paper explains the facial expressions of the top three divers in the 3 - meter board finals at the Beijing Olympics and then analyzes and discusses the result according to the psychology of emotion. The conclusion shows that that the world top women 3 - mter - board di- vers share the similar features of overall quantification, but Chinese and foreign divers demonstrate remarkable differ- ences in surprise mood. The intuitive worries and negative anger in facial expressions that are moderate and under the control of the divers also have the positive function in competitions.
Journal of Chengdu Sport University