目的评价应用针具打孔与植入同步的显微毛发单位移植技术行阴毛再造的临床治疗价值。方法在局部浸润麻醉下,从枕部切取长4~5 cm、宽1.0~1.5 cm的含有完整毛发的头皮组织,其供区伤口直接拉拢分层缝合之。然后,在立体显微镜下将其头皮组织进行分割,制备成一系列含有1~2根毛发的显微毛发移植单位。继之,应用针具打孔,并与其植入同步的技术方法,将备用的移植单位植入到预先设计好的阴毛分布区域。结果自2002年1月~2010年7月,应用这一毛发移植技术,笔者共完成31例成年女性先天性阴毛缺失的修复治疗。每例阴毛再造所需的显微毛发单位移植物一般为280~440个,平均302个;毛发根数为360~760根,平均为556根。一年以上的较远期随访发现移植的毛发生长自然、良好。在随机选择的10例患者中,计数测定其成活率为92.5%~97.2%,平均95.64%。全部患者为一期手术即达到治疗要求。术后非常满意者28例,占90.3%;满意者为3例,占9.7%。结论针具打孔与植入同步的显微毛发单位移植技术具有手术创伤小、出血少、安全、恢复快、效果显著等优点,并可以达到意向性分布的个性化治疗效果,是改善阴毛缺失外观、恢复阴毛生长的理想治疗手段。
Objective To investigate the possibility of using a micro-grafts hair grafting for restoration of pubic hair loss with a puncturing-and-seeding technique. Methods Under local anesthesia, a 4-5 cm long and 1.0-1.5 cm width scalp strip was harvested from the back of the head. The wound was directly closed in layers. A series of follicular-unit grafts with 1-2 hairs were divided in certain amount of the demanded grafts from this strip under a stereomicroscope. The recipient area was prepared for the matched micro-slots with a series of 20-18 G needles to accept the grafts. The process was carried out by implanting the graft into each hole as soon as the needle was got out the hole. Results Thirty-one female patients with congenital loss of their pubic hair were treated by the above-mentioned technique from January 2002 to July 2010. The quantity of the micro-grafts was 280-440 grafts (302 in mean) with 360-760 hairs (556 in mean) per operation. Over 1 year following-ups, all of the patients were satisfactory of their natural appearance in one session with very satisfaction in 28 (90.3%) and satisfaction in 3 (9.7%). The grafted hairs were growing well with 92.5%-97.2% (95.64% in mean) hair survival. Conclusion The above-mentioned technique has the advantages such as less surgical-induced trauma, less bleeding, safety, simplification, quick recovery and effectiveness, as well as distributing the grafts individually. It is an ideal method for pubic hair restoration.
China Medical Herald