
导引头仿真测试软件的研制与应用 被引量:1

Development and Application of Seeker's Simulation Testing Software
摘要 在导引头的研制过程中,仿真测试试验作为产品性能测试的手段,发挥着重要的作用。仿真软件根据不同的测试项目,将相关的试验设备集成起来达到测试的目的,本文开发的软件使用YHSim仿真专用环境进行研制,采用分布式的体系结构,通过光纤反射内存网和现有设备软件进行集成,实现了测试环境的快速搭建。 As the measurement of the seeker' s quality, simulation test plays an important role in the development of the seeker. The simulation software integrates related facilities for different testing items to complete the test. The software adopts distributing structure, so it can be integrated with the existing facil- ity software easily by the reflective memory net. The software provides the needed testing environment for the seeker.
出处 《航空兵器》 2012年第3期55-57,64,共4页 Aero Weaponry
关键词 分布式 光纤反射内存网 仿真 YHSIM distributing structure reflective memory board simulation YHSim
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