目的分析开放性骨折术后感染的原因。方法 2005年6月—2011年6月我院发生开放性骨折术后并发感染病例19例,从病因学、损伤机制和治疗环节来分析其原因。结果 19例患者中1例因术后胫骨骨髓炎、下肢深静脉血栓形成、菌血症行小腿截肢术,其余18例均在我院继续治疗后痊愈,功能恢复良好。感染灶引流物细菌培养发现的病原微生物有金黄色葡萄球菌、革兰阴性杆菌、链球菌、厌氧菌、肠球菌等。结论开放性骨折术后感染原因是多方面的,我们在临床工作中往往因思路狭窄,重视不够或缺乏专业知识和临床经验而导致这一严重并发症,使得后续治疗既费时又困难,甚至给患者带来灾难性的后果。认真分析开放性骨折术后感染原因,重视具体环节的操作,以预防为主,具备处理开放性骨折这一复杂问题的技巧,可以有效减少和避免感染的发生。
Objective To study the reasons of postoperative infection in open fracture. Methods The etiology, mechanism and treatment link loss in 19 cases of open fracture complicated with postoperative infection from June 2005 to June 2011 in our hospita were analyzed. Results Among the 19 cases,1 cases with postoperative osteomyelitis of the tibia,deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremity,bacteremia, leg amputation line, the remaining 18 cases in our hospital to continue treatment after recovery, good functional recovery. Focal infection drainage bacterial culture found pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus, gram-positive erieliia coil and other. Conclusion open fractures of postoperative infection for many reasons, we in clinical work, often because of narrow ideas, not enough attention or the lack of professional knowledge and clinical experience in open fractures of postoperative infection after the serious consequences, making follow-up treatment is both time consuming and difficult, even for patients with disastrous consequences, through the open fracture POStoperative infection of detailed analyses of the causes, so that we attach importance to every link, prevention, dealing with open fractures of the complex problem of skill and ingenuity.
The Medical Forum