

The Model and Application of the Inhomogeneous Time Dynamic Extreme Value Theory
摘要 传统EVT方法是从静态的角度,研究超额数据的性质。然而,它没有同时考虑极端数据发生的时间所隐含的充分信息。本文首次在国内提出了非奇次空间动态极值理论(ITD-EVT)的概念,克服了EVT的上述缺陷,在极端数据的基础上考虑了时间因素,并引入多个解释变量,使极值分布的是三个参数为时变的,用二维泊松分布过程建立动态空间模型,是文中一大特色。把TD-EVT运用于极端情况下风险值的估计中,对金融风险管理、资产定价等问题有较大的理论和现实意义。 The number of financial crisis has been growing since the 1990s. A country's financial crisis can eventually lead to international financial crisis in the global economy. The abnormal fluctuations of asset prices are becoming an important financial risk management topic. Extreme Value Theory method (EVT) is the most suitable method used to calculate the tail risk of financial assets in the extreme and unusual circumstances. As can be seen from the domestic and international research on EVT used in risk assessment, most literature studies the nature of obtaining exceedances over the threshold from the whole sample.
作者 胡斌 邹辉文
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期184-190,共7页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金资助项目(07JA790096)
关键词 非奇次空间动态极值理论(ITD-EVT) 二维泊松过程 参数估计 VAR inhomogeneous time dynamic extreme value theory (ITD-EVT) two-dimensional Poisson process parametric estimation Value at Risk (VaR)
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