目的 评价VitremerTM树脂增效玻璃离子材料修复喇叭形根管口的临床疗效。方法 对 30枚前牙喇叭形根管口残根先用VitremerTM树脂增效玻璃离子恢复成柱形根管口 ,再进行常规桩核冠修复 ,随访半年至一年半 ,观察牙根的折裂情况及桩核松动情况。结果 所有前牙牙根均未发生折裂 ,其中 2 9枚牙齿桩核无松动 ,冠修复情况良好 ,有效率达 96 .6 7% ,仅有 1枚桩核松动脱落 ,修复失败。结论 用Vit remerTM树脂增效玻璃离子先使残根的喇叭形根管口恢复成柱形 ,再以常规桩核冠修复 ,对牙根的抗折性确实有效 ,在临床上值得推广。
Objective To evaluate the real clinialal result of Vitremer TM resin modified glass ionomer to reinforce teeth that are structurally weak in cervical area against fracture.Method 30 teeth with flared canal were repaired with Vitremer TM resin modified glass ionome to form the column canal,then repaired with regular post core and porcelain crowns.The results were observed in 0.5 to 1.5 years. Results There were no root fracture existed.29 post core were well repaired without any loose.The efficient rate was 96.76%.1 post core was loosed and failed to cure. Conclusion There is an efficient effect when the flared canal were repaired with Vitremer TM resin modified glass ionome to form the cloumn canal and then cure it with post core.And it is worth promoting in clinic.
Chinese Journal of Dental Materials and Devices
root with flared canal
TM resin modified glass ionomer
post core crown