Objective To investigate the characteristics of cytopathological diagnosis and immunocytochemistry of plasmablastic lymphoma in the pleural effusion. Methods A case of plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) in the pleural effusion was conventionally smeared, sedimentary embedded, and immunohistochemically stained, with PCR for T cell receptor and immunoglobulin gene rearrangement, in situ hybridization for Esptein-Barr virus-encoded small RNA ( EBER), and review of the relevant literatures. Results H&E stained smears were hypercellular and composed of single cells with loosely formed clusters. The cells were large and had a certain amount of cytoplasm. The nuclear-to-cytoplamic ratio was consistently high, and nuclei were predominantly peripheral. The nuclei were large and oval to round in shape, with fine granular chromatin and multiple nucleoli or a single prominent central nueleolus. Some cells showed cytoplasmic vacuoles. Plasma cells and a few tangible body macrophages were identified. Mitotic figures were easily found. The tumor cells were diffusely and strongly expressed CD38 and CD138, but were negative for B cell markers (CD20, CD79α and PAX-5)and T cell markers (CD3, CD4 and UCHL-1), and aldo negative for CD15, CD30, ALK, calretinin, rITF-1, AE1/AE3 and EMA;the proliferation index of Ki-67 was 90%. Clonal IgH gene rearrangement was demonstrated. In situ hybridization for Esptein-Barr virus-encoded small RNA (EBER) was negative. The cervical lymph node biopsy confirmed the final diagnosis of plasmablastic lymphoma. The patient received two-cycles of chemotherapy and left hospital. Conclusion It is difficult to diagnose plasmablastic lymphoma on cytological examination of pleural fluids. The immunoeytoehemical stains are helpful for its diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology