随着市场经济的发展、素质教育的大力推行及 2 1世纪高等师范教育改革研究计划的启动 ,师专教育人才培养的单一格局已不适应当前形势发展的要求。因此 ,探索适应时代发展、具有综合素质的新世纪师范类创新人才的规格及培养途径 。
With the development of market economy,the energetic practise of diathetic education and the start of the researth on the reform of the education in teachers colleges of the 21th century,the unitary pattern of producing qualified graduates in teachers colleges can not suit the needs of the present situation.Therefore,the research on the standards and ways to train in teachers colleges qualified graduates who can bring forth new ideas has become an important task for the reform and development of teachers colleges.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College