Objective:To investigate methicil- lin -resistant staphylococcus epidermidis ( MRSE ) infection and drug - resistance. Methods:The survey was conducted over a period of 24 months between Nov 2009 and Oct 2011 in our hospital. A total of 131 ca- ses of methicillin - resistant staphylococcus epidermidis infection were analysed and per- formed with drug sensitivity test. Results: The detection rate of MRSE among all the i- solated strains is 86. 2% (131/152) in our hospital during the two - year period. 20. 6% (27/131 ) from newborn department. 58.8% (77/131)is from wound specimens. 25.2% (33/131)is from blood specimens . the detection rate of MRSE decreased from 89.4% (59/66) to 83.7% (72/86). Mean- while,the resistance rates of the MRSE to the antibiotics ( Sulfamethoxazole/Trime-thoprim clarithromycin, azithromycin, eryth- romycin) were increased,whereas for the an- tibiotics ( gentamiein, tetracycline, eiprofloxa- cin, levofloxacin, oxifloxacin, elindamycin ) the resistance rates were decreased. They were all sensitive to vancomyein, linezolid, tigecycline. Conclusion: Staphylococcus epi- dermidis infections are mostly MRSE bacte- ria. clindamyein, its antibiotic resistance to Common antibiotics was significantlyhigher than methieillin - sensitive staphylococcus. The Hospital infection rate of MRSE was decreased, at the same time, the community in- fection rate of MRSE was increased.
Methicillin -resistant staphylo- coccus epidermidis
Hospital infection
com- munity infection