目的 介绍了用标准周期计数法评价线性测量系统采集速率时测量结果的不确定度分析和评价过程 ;讨论了影响评价结果不确定的几个主要误差来源 ,包括输入信号频率、采集序列长度、采集序列中所含信号周期个数 .方法 给出了减小采集速率评价不确定度的主要措施 .结果 在一组采集速率实际评价例子上 ,给出其不确定度分析和评价结果 .结论该过程及结论可用于对计量标准进行相应指标的不确定度分析上 。
Aim\ It is described that the uncertainty of evaluation results of sampling rates of a linear measurement system by using the data number counting method in one standard signal periods, including the courses of analysis and evaluation of uncertainty of sampling rate. Some error sources of sampling rate evaluation are discussed, including the error of signal frequency, the length of sampling sequence, the number of signal periods in the whole sampling sequence. Methods\ Several main methods about decreasing the sampling rate evaluation errors and evaluation uncertainty have been proposed. Results\ In a group of examples of experiment, the analysis and evaluation results of sampling rate and its uncertainty by using the method in this paper is presented. Conclusion\ The courses and conclusion of analysis and evaluation of sampling rate uncertainty in this paper, can be applied to the uncertainty evaluation of measurement standards of relative specifications, can also be used in the uncertainty evaluation of sampling rate itself.
Journal of Test and Measurement Technology