
市场约束与银行风险承担的文献回顾 被引量:3

A Survey of Market Discipline and Banks' Risk Taking
摘要 市场约束是指银行的利益相关者出于对自身利益的考虑,会在不同程度上关注银行的经营和风险状况,并根据其掌握的信息采取一定措施影响相关的利率和资产价格,从而通过市场对银行的经营产生约束作用。市场约束是维护银行业稳定的重要机制。巴塞尔协议Ⅱ的新的监管框架中把市场约束与资本监管、政府监督共同作为有效银行监管的"三大支柱",同时2006年底中国也全面开放了银行业市场,市场对中国商业银行风险承担的约束作用也越来越大。本文系统的回顾了国内外关于市场约束对商业银行风险承担的影响,包括市场约束的存在性、存款保险、政府监管对市场约束作用的影响以及危机时的市场约束,这对我国商业银行市场约束作用的发挥具有很好的借鉴意义。 Market Discipline means that the banks' stakeholders pay close attention to the banks" operation and risk for the consideration of self-interest, and take some measures to affect the interest rate and asset price according to their information, thus produce a constraint on banks' operating through the market. The new regulation framework of Basel Ⅱ regards market discipline, capital regulation and government supervision as one of the three pillars, at the same time in the end of 2006, China has fully opened the banking market, and market disciplines China commercial banks' risk taking more and more. This paper reviews the laterature on market discipline and commercial banks'risk taking, including the exsitence of market discipline, the influnce of deposit insurance and regulation, and the market discipline in crisis. This is a good reference for China commercial banks' market discipline.
作者 位华
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2012年第7期99-102,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目(10ZD&035) 山东省社科规划重点项目(11BGLJ06) 山东省社科规划一般项目(11CJJV11) 山东省金融学会2012年度重点课题
关键词 市场约束 存款保险 政府监管 风险承担 Market discipline Deposit insurance Regulation Risk taking
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