近年来,航空物探项目主要是使用Oasis montaj软件完成数据处理工作,最终提交的成果图件采用MapGIS地理信息系统软件绘制。由于两种软件系统采用的数据格式及兼容性不尽相同,因此采用Visual Basic编程语言编制专用程序,实现两种软件系统数据格式的接口,同时解决MapGIS中剖面平面图的绘制问题。这一问题的解决既发挥了Oasis montaj软件强大的数据处理功能,又充分利用MapGIS软件成熟的绘图功能,同时在项目实施过程中大大提高了数据处理和成果图件绘制的效率,取得了较好的应用效果。
Recently,oasis montaj is usually used in airborne geophysical data processing,and MapGIS is used in the mapping.The data format and compatibility is not the same in the two software's systems.The paper presents an interface programming technique by Visual Basic,which used the advantages both oasis montaj which is powerful in data processing and MapGIS which is superexcellent in mapping,which increase the efficiency and precision of data processing and mapping.This technique has been applied in the field of data processing and mapping with leading to high efficiency.
Computing Techniques For Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration