目的:分析处方点评工作中暴露的问题,促进临床合理用药。方法:以随机抽样法抽取每月门诊处方100张,共计1 400张,对其进行分析、点评。结果:不合理用药主要表现在用药与临床诊断不相符、用法与用量不适宜、违反《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》、抗菌药物使用疗程过长、联合用药不适宜、有配伍禁忌或潜在不良相互作用、溶剂使用不当等。门诊不合格处方161张,占总抽查处方数的11.5%。其中适应证不适宜处方所占比例最大,共49张,占不合格处方数的30.4%;其次是用法、用量不适宜的处方较多,共31张,占不合格处方数的19.3%。结论:处方点评是了解临床用药水平的重要手段,通过定期进行处方点评,剖析临床用药存在的问题,及时发现,合理干预,将有利于提高临床医生合理用药水平。
OBJECTIVE:To analyze the problems noted in prescription comment so as to promote clinical rational drug use.METHODS: A total of 1 400 outpatient prescriptions(100 per month) were randomly collected for analysis and comment.RESULTS: The irrational drug use manifested as inconformity between drug use and clinical diagnosis,inappropriateness in dosage and administration,disobeying the Guiding Principle on Clinical Use of Antibiotics,prolonged use of antibiotics,inappropriateness in drug combination,incompatability or adverse drug interactions,incorrect use of dissolvents etc.161(11.5%) outpatient prescriptions were irrational,of which,49(30.4%) involved inappropriateness in indications and 31(19.3%) inappropriateness in dosage and administration.CONCLUSION: Prescription comment is an important means for probing into the clinical rational drug use level.The rational drug use level can be improved through regular evaluation and analysis of the problems lie in clinical drug use,timely detection of problems and proper intervention.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Prescription comment
Typical cases
Rational drug use