依据 1 2 0种中药抗弓形虫体外效应的初步报道 ,选择杀弓形虫速殖子作用较强的苍术、萆、厚朴、补骨脂 ,用正交设计方法进行治疗小鼠急性弓形虫感染的体内实验。比较以上 4种中药不同浓度及其配伍的杀虫效果 ,找出它们的最佳配方 ,并与乙酰螺旋霉素的作用相比较。结果显示 :中药配伍中以萆为首要药物 ,其次是补骨脂 ,苍术和厚朴地位相似 ;在 4种中药的 9组配伍中 ,第 3组小鼠的平均存活天数最长 ,相当于乙酰螺旋霉素的 87%。
WT5”BZ]Aim and methods:On the basis of prelininary report about inhibitive effect by 120 kimds Chinese herb on Toxoplasma in external human beimgs,Choosed four kinds chinese herb:Atractylodes chinensis、Dioscorea、Magnolia officinalis、Fructus psoraleae,which had more Strong effect anti Toxoplasma tachyzoite.Studied on the effect of treatment in mice after acute Toxoplasma infection with orthogonal design method.Compared the effect anti Toxoplasma of different concentrate and compatibility of four chinese herbs with Acetylspiramycin.To find the best combination of four Chinese herbs.Results and conclusion:In compatibility of chinese medicine,Dioscored was first importance,Fructus psoraleae was secondly,Atractylodes chinensis and Magnolia officinalis were similar(third).Among the 9 groups combination of four chinese herbs,the average survival days of third group's mice was the longest.It approximated to 87% of Acetylspiramycin's.These showed that the effect anti Toxopalsma of third group Combination was similar to Acetylspiramycin's in external. [WT5”HZ]
Journal of Jiangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Compatibiblity of Chinese medicine,Toxoplsamosis,Animal experimental