目的 探讨乳腺摄影技术的标准化 ,以提高乳腺摄影片的质量及其在临床诊断中的应用。方法 对 70 0例乳腺摄影片患者的年龄、乳腺类型进行分类 ,观察其不同摄影体位的影像显示特点和盲区。结果 中年妇女在乳腺摄影检查中占 6 8% ;乳腺类型中萎缩退化型占 71% ,腺体型占2 0 % ,致密型占 9%。双侧同时对照 ,侧斜位及轴位两种体位可满足诊断要求者占 93%。为此 ,此两种体位被确定为乳腺摄影的常规体位。结论 根据以上病例分析 ,提出了乳腺摄影的体位标准。
Objective The technical standardization of mammography was studied to improve the quality of mammography and the clinical usage Methods The mammography of 700 cases was classified according to the age and breast type, and the image feature and blind area were observed separately in different filming position Results Among the mammography, 68% of the examinations was conducted in middle aged women Among the breast type, atrophy and degeneration type was 71%, adenoid type was 20%, and dense type was 9% If bilateral breasts got mammography simultaneously, the diagnosis could be made in 93% of the cases when combining both MLO position and CC position So those two positions became the routine position of the mammography Conclusion According to the analysis of our materials, the standard positions of mammography, the image criterion, and the quality control regularization were suggested
Chinese Journal of Radiology