实验观察了D-半乳糖(D-galactose),超氧阴离了自由基O和H2O2对培养人胚肺二倍体成纤维细胞(Humanfetal lung fibroblast,HBS)的促老化作用。结果表明,D-十乳糖和O2均使细胞增殖速度减慢,分裂周期中G2-M期细胞比例减少、G-G1期细胞比例增加、DNA含量下降,此外,细胞中SOD含量降低,丙二醛(Malondildehyde,MDA)水平升高。H2O2上述作用不明显。提示,在D-半乳糖的代谢过程中可能产生了O2等活性氧自由基,O2本身和/或其与H2O2进一步反应生成的羟自由基(·OH)过量引起的组织细胞损伤及抗氧化酶活力下降、过氧化产物增多可能是D-半乳糖诱发细胞老化的主要原因。
The effects of O2 H2O2, and D-galactose on the cell senescence were investigated in human fetal lung fibroblast.The proliferative curves showed that the capability of cell proliferation decline treated byO2 [Xanthine (30 nmol/L) -Xanthine Oxidase (1 U/L) reaction system] and D-galactose (8 g/L), the proportion of the G-G, period cells increased but G,-M period cells decreased in comparison with those of control (D-glucose 8 g/L) and H2O2 (5 mmol/L) group. We have also observed the content of SOD decreasing but MDA increasing in both O, and Dgalactose group. The results found in D-galactose-treated cells were similar to those observed in O; and aged cell group, but had no changs in H,O, group, which is indicated that the reactive oxygen radicals (especially O,) were generated in the course of D-galactose metabolism.The oxidative stress might be responsible for the hastening the effect on cell senescence induced by D-galactose.
Basic and Clinical Medicine