目的了解监测技术机构对食品中农药残留检测水平,确保监测数据的准确性和可比性。方法制备3组相同基质不同浓度的农药残留质量控制样品,向每个参加单位发放一份含有毒死蜱、甲基对硫磷、甲基嘧啶磷、杀螟硫磷/三唑磷和联苯菊酯等农药的质量控制盲样;采用Z比分数法对检测结果进行评价;|Z|≤2为满意结果,2<|Z|<3为有问题结果,|Z|≥3为不满意结果。结果 162家监测机构参加考核,所有监测机构均按时提交了检测结果;毒死蜱的检出率和定量合格率分别为99.4%和93.8%;甲基对硫磷的检出率和定量合格率分别为96.3%和94.9%;联苯菊酯的检出率和定量合格率分别为95.7%和89.7%;杀螟硫磷的检出率和定量合格率分别为92.0%和89.6%;三唑磷的检出率和定量合格率分别为100%和91.9%。结论各监测机构在农药残留方面总体检测能力较强。未获得满意结果的机构能够及时发现检测分析中存在的问题,并进行有效的整改,保证今后数据的准确性。
Objective To find out the proficiency of professionals in monitoring and inspection agencies on the determination of pesticides residue in food, and to improve the accuracy and comparability of testing results. Methods Three sets of quality control samples with the same matrix but different in concentrations of pesticides were prepared; one of blind quality control samples contained chlorpyrifos, methyl parathion, methyl pirimiphos, fenitrothion or triazophos and bifenthrin was dispatched to each inspection agency. Criteria for testing results were evaluated by Z scores: /Z/ ≤2 for satisfactory ;2 〈/Z/〈 3 for uncertainty and /Z/≥3 for unsatisfactory. Results The results of all quality control blind samples delivered to 162 agencies were submitted back on time. The qualitative and quantitative qualification rate for chlorpyrifos was 99.4% and 93.8% , for parathion-methyl was 96.3% and 94.9% , for bifenthrin was 95.7% and 89.7%, for fenitrothion was 92.0%o and 89.6% , for triazophos was 100% and 91.9% , respectively. Conclusion The general proficiency on tested pesticide residues in food was relativelygood for monitoring and inspection agencies. The agency who got unsatisfied results has recognized the problems in the process of testing; the cause of uncertainty and unsatisfactory results were found ; and effective corrections were conducted to ensure the accuracy of data in the future.
Journal of Hygiene Research
quality control examination, pesticide residues, inter-laboratorycomparisons, Z-score