
河南栗子沟金—银(铅)矿成矿特征及找矿方向 被引量:4

Metallogenic characteristics and prospecting orientation of Lizigou gold-silver (lead) deposit,Henan
摘要 栗子沟金-银(铅)矿区位于豫西熊耳山金银矿集区。矿区内矿化类型有金、银(铅)两种。含矿蚀变构造带按走向大致可分为北东、北西向两组,其中以北西向为主。区内金、银(铅)矿分别集中分布于小章沟-瓦庙沟及前咀-竹园沟、猫疙瘩-黄沙洞沟及司家庄-石鼻梁。经野外地质调查和综合研究认为,区域性的石鼻梁断裂带既是矿区内导矿构造,也是容矿构造;该区地质找矿应以银矿为主攻矿种,以熊耳群许山组和鸡蛋坪组接触界面上下地段为重点区域,尤其是猫疙瘩-黄沙洞沟一带,应是下一步找银的重点靶位。该区金找矿应加强深部找矿,寻找含矿蚀变构造带在深处交汇部位。 Lizigou deposit is located in the gold and silver concentrating area of Mt. Xiong' er in the western part of Henan. The mineralization of the deposit includes gold and silver (lead) mineralization and the mineralization alteration structures can be roughly divided into two groups based on their strike,the NE group and NW group. The latter group is the chief mineralization alteration struc- tures of the deposit. The gold and silver (lead) ore in the area are mainly distributed in Xiaozhanggou-Wamiaogou area, Qianju- Zhuyuangou area, Maogeda-Huangshadonggou area and Sijiazhuang-Shibiliang area. Through field survey and comprehensive study to the deposit,it is concluded that the regional-scale Shibiliang fracture zone is both the ore-transmitting and ore-depositing structure of the de- posit. The main prospecting target should be silver and the key prospecting area should be the area around the contacting zone of Xushan formation and Jidanping formation of Xiong' er group. Especially,the Maogeda-huangshadong area should be the key area for the further exploration of silver. The gold prospecting in this area should also pay attention to the exploration work in depth and to find the intersec- tion part of the mineralized alteration structures.
出处 《矿产勘查》 2012年第3期325-329,共5页 Mineral Exploration
关键词 成矿特征 找矿方向 金矿 银(铅)矿 豫西 metallogenic characteristics prospecting orientation gold ore silver (lead) ore western part of Henan
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