
国家教育进展评估的效度研究 被引量:1

On the National Assessment of Educational Progress,with Emphasis on Validity Issues
摘要 作为一项得到广泛认可的教育绩效指标,国家教育进展评估(NAEP)是美国数十年来用于跟踪和了解教育进展的重要工具,也是全美初等教育与中等教育状况的晴雨表。它是美国当前唯一一项定期对小学、初中和高中学生的教育成就进行的全国性调查,在新测试技术的发展过程中发挥着重要的作用。本文对NAEP的发展历史进行综述和总结,同时对当前NAEP所面临的效度问题,如跨年级(纵向)量表以及在分数报告中使用表现水平的做法等进行评论。 As the only regularly conducted national survey of educational achievement at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is a valuable tool to track and understand educational progress in the United States. It has become an educational indicator, a barometer of the Nation' s elementary and secondary educational condition, and has served as a leading influence in the development of new testing technology. This article provides an overview and brief summary of the history of the NAEP, as well as commentary on selected challenges to the validity of NAEP results, including the use of cross - grade ( or vertical) scales, and the use of achievement levels in score reporting.
出处 《考试研究》 2012年第2期66-76,共11页 Examinations Research
关键词 美国国家教育进展评估(NAEP) 发展历史 抽样 量表 表现水平 The National Assessment of Educational Progress ( NAEP), History, Sampling,Scales, Achievement Levels
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