研究了不同杂草密度对蒜薹和蒜头产量的影响,建立了产量损失与杂草密度关系方程:y=0.000 05x2+0.008 3x+0.16。根据防治经济学原理,研究得出杂草经济危害损失允许水平为0.62%,从而确定蒜田杂草生态经济阈值为43.84株/m2,在此阈值以下,可不施药。
Effects of different weed densities on yield of garlic bolts and garlic bulbs were studied and the equation of relation between weed density and yield loss was established as y=0.000 05x"+0.008 3x+0.16. According to prevention economic principles, the economic damage level of weeds in garlic field was 0.62% and its eco-economic threshold was 43.84 plants per square meter which indicated that it was unnecessary for pesticide application below this level.
China Plant Protection