虽然美国是国际人权公约的倡导者 ,但从实践上看 ,美国对设立保障人权的国际法律体系和监督机智在第二次世界大战后很长一段时期 ,并不积极。直到 1 992年 ,美国才成为《公民和政治权利国际公约》的参加国。综观美国国际人权公约态度转变的全过程 ,可以看出 ,不管是反对还是批准该条约 ,都与冷战开启和结束密切相关 。
Being the initiator of the International Convention on Human Rights, the United States, for a long period since the end of WWII, has been unenthusiastic about setting up the international legal system and the supervising mechanisms for safeguarding human rights, and has not entered into the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights until 1992. Making a comprehensive survey of the changes of American attitude towards the International Covenant on Human Rights, it can be seen that opposing or endorsing the treaties is closely related to the beginning and the end of the Cold War and consistent with the course of forming and development of American human right's diplomacy.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies