在我国当前的企业 ,尤其是国有企业的管理中 ,经常出现经营计划目标失误的问题。本文剖析了冶钢 1 70厂经营计划目标失误的现实案例 ,利用博弈分析的方法 ,指出企业经营计划目标失误的关键在于对经营计划的追踪与反馈不当 ,对计划决策者缺乏监控或监控不力。只有建立起有效的内部和外部监控机制 。
Failing to define a proper planning objective is a popular problem in Chinese enterprises, particularly in state-owned enterprises. One real case of defining an inappropriate planning objective taken place in Yegang 170 corporate is presented, and the key factors of defining planning objectives, such as reinforcing the tracing and feedback to the plan, implementing effective monitoring and controlling to the decision-makers, are analyzed by using the game theory. In order to resolve this issue, it calls for establishing an effective mechanism of monitoring and controlling inside and outside the enterprises.