
700℃超超临界燃煤发电机组材料研发现状 被引量:25

Materials in 700 ℃ advanced ultra-supercritical coal-fired units
摘要 介绍700℃超超临界燃煤发电机组高温材料的研发现状,同时介绍了与高温材料相关的焊接、高温涂层和冷却技术的研究情况。欧洲、日本、美国对铁素体钢、奥氏体钢以及镍基合金3类高温材料进行了性能测试及筛选,同时致力于新型高温材料的开发,取得了一定的研究成果。欧洲、日本在镍基合金与铁素体钢之间的焊接技术方面开展了相关研究,美国研究并制定了不同合金的焊接工艺。美国、欧洲在高温涂层方面也开展了研究工作,其中,热障涂层技术将有可能在700℃超超临界燃煤发电机组汽轮机中得到应用。冷却技术方面,欧洲、日本对蒸汽冷却和新型网格夹芯材料冷却进行了研究。 The present research and development status of advanced high-temperature materials in 700 ℃ advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) coal-fired units were introduced, as well as the welding, high-temperature coatings and cooling technology. The performance tests and selections on ferritic steel, austenitic steel and nickel-base alloy were carried out, and the new high-temperature materials were exploited in Europe, Japan and USA. Some research resuhs have been achieved. The research on wehling technology between nickel-base alloy and ferritie steel was developed in Europe and Japan. The welding technology of different alloy was researched in USA, and the welding procedure among different alloys was made. The research on high-temperature coatings and thermal barrier coating technology was implemented in USA and Europe. The thermal barrier coating technology will be used in turbine system of 700 ℃ A-USC coal-fired units. The technologies of steam cooling and sandwich structure fur cooling were researched in Europe and Japan.
出处 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期16-21,共6页 Electric Power
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2009CB219803) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(创新研究群体科学基金)(51021065)
关键词 火电厂 超超临界发电机组 700℃ 高温材料 coal-fired power plant A-USC 700 ℃ high-temperature materials
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