以带侧芽茎段为外植体,对圆叶蔓绿绒组织培养及快速繁殖的研究表明,不同生长调节剂组合对圆叶蔓绿绒的离体形态发育及增殖均有重要影响。其中适合侧芽生长和不定芽分化的组合为BA 3.0mg/L+ IAA 0.5mg/L。采用BA 0.8mg/L+ KT 0.8mg/L+IAA 0.05mg/L的组合可在4周内可获得7.0的增殖系数。培养基中添加适量活性炭对生根有促进作用。适宜量为1.0g/L。
Studies of tissue culture and rapid propagation were conducted using the internode segments with axillory bud of P. oxycardium as explants. The results demonstrated that different combinations of growth regulators had important effects on the morphogenesis and multiplication, in which the optimal combination for the growth of axillary bud and differentiation of adventitious bud was BA 3.0mg/L + IAA 0. 5mg/L. A coefficient of multiplication of 7.0 could be obtained within 4 weeks With a combination of BA 0. sing/L + KTO. 8mg/L + IAA 0. 05mg/L. The appropriate concentration of activated carbon added to culture medium to promote rooting was 1. 0g/L.
Philodendron oxycardium
internode segment with axillary bud
rapid propagation