
地震灾害现场遇难者遗体医学处理研究 被引量:4

Medical disposal of victims' dead bodies on site after major earthquake disaster
摘要 中国国际救援队组队以来13次参加国内外地震救援,共处置遇难者遗体1088具,平均每次处置83.7具。在救援的过程中幸存者死亡1例。处理者时间平均在灾后3.7d;地震发生在白天时,遇难者遗体集中在工作与学习的场所发现,地震发生在夜间时,遗体主要在家庭倒塌的房室发现,海啸灾害之后遗体可出现在野外。搜救队员应携带尸体袋。遗体暂存地点应离开伤员集结场所。在伊斯兰教国家遇难者遗体由家人亲手处置。对参与处置遇难者遗体的队员随访1年,未发生通过接触遗体感染传染病的案例。地震现场的遇难者遗体的医学处置涉及医学、法律、伦理学等知识。出台国家层面灾害现场遗体处理程序势在必行。 Since its establishment, the China International Search and Rescue Team participated in 13 missions of relief tasks in major earthquake and tsunami disasters at home and abroad, during which 1088 corpses were dealt with, 83.7 per mission on average. One survivor died during waiting for treatment. The staff engaged in search and rescue carried body bags and attention was paid to self-protection. The dead bodies were disposed of 3.7 days after the disaster with a range of 1 - 6 days. When the earthquake occurred in daytime, the dead bodies were often found in the working places and schools, if the disaster occurred in night most of the remains were found in the collapsed houses, and after tsunami remains of victims might be found in the open country. The dead bodies should be temporarily deposited away from the assembly places of the sick and wounded. To carry the dead bodies specialized means of transportation should be used. In Islamic countries the bodies should be handed to the families. Serialization and disinfection were conducted in time. The staff members who took part in the body disposal were followed up for lyear, and no infection case was found. The medical disposal of dead bodies in disaster areas involves medicine, law, ethics, etc. Issuance of official nrocedure of the medical disposal of dead bodies in disaster areas is imperative.
出处 《中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志》 2012年第5期393-396,共4页 China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
基金 地震行业科研专项经费项目"地震灾害紧急救援队紧急医疗处置现场标准工作程序编制".(201008008)
关键词 地震灾害现场 遗体 医学处理 标准 Victims' dead bodies Medical disposal Procedure Earthquake
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