研究了纤维球滤料在未投加凝聚剂直接过滤浊度较高原水的效果 ,结果表明进水浊度为 50~ 1 50度时 ,采用 1 0~ 2 0 m·h- 1的较高滤速 ,纤维球滤料的过滤效果良好 ,运行工况稳定、截污量大、过滤周期长 ,且不需要投加凝聚剂 ;与石英砂滤料相比 。
In this experiment the fiber ball is used as a filter medium for direct filtration of raw water.The results show that the fiber ball can effectively filtrate raw water of 50~150 ntu turbidities at 10~20 m·h -1 filtration velocity without any coagulant. Compared with sand filtration,the fiber ball filtration has good qualities of a higher velocity,a longer filter period and stability,thus creating a considerable economical benefit.