
基于全球净初级生产力的能源足迹计算方法 被引量:24

Calculation method of energy ecological footprint based on global net primary productivity
摘要 净初级生产力是当前生态足迹改进研究的重要突破口。针对传统能源足迹存在着忽略多数土地的碳吸收贡献、碳吸收能力界定不清等不足,提出了基于全球平均净初级生产力的能源足迹计算方法。结果表明:单位质量能源的生态足迹空间构成中,前3位依次为海洋、林地和草地,分别占28.32%、27.25%、21.77%。单位空间占用面积的能源热值由高至低依次为电力、气态、液态和固态能源,分别达2.11×106—9.76×107、108—116、88—99、68—72 GJ/hm2。对各类能源生态影响的判断均较传统方法乐观,这是综合考虑全球各类土地和水体碳吸收贡献的结果。基于全球净初级生产力的能源足迹反映了能源消费的空间占用平均水平,有助于提高评价结果的真实性与准确性。 Net primary productivity (NPP) is a conceptual b Three common features shared by the two assessment methods reakthrough in improving ecological footprint (EF) analysis. are the following: ( 1 ) an overlapping of space occupied. EF converts all consumption into land most of which also participates in global carbon cycle and is involved in net primary production; (2) the same basic measurement units adopted in them. EF that uses biological productivity as the basic measurement unit converts physical hectares into global hectares equal to the global average productivity, and NPP isemployed as a common indicator of biological productivity. Therefore, both methods measure ecological sustainability directly based on biological productivity in essence ; and (3) the complementary to each other for further information. They both emphasize the desirability of reducing the demand for nonrenewable resources. NPP can provide some missing information on analyzing sustainability when combined with EF. On the other hand, EF is able to compensate NPP for the lack of straightforwardness when tracking the maintenance of the biosphere's capacity. As a matter of fact, more and more studies attempt to include ocean, grassland and cropland's capacity for carbon sequestration into energy ecological footprint (EEF) assessment. However, EEF, the most important and disputed subject of EF, has rarely been applied in combination with NPP as modified methodologies. Of particular concern is how EEF is defined and what it actually measures, exclusion of a majority of land and water and failure to capture their actual capacity for carbon sequestration. Moreover, it illustrates the hypothetical land appropriation of energy consumption, which is inevitably in conflict with the actual appropriated land for biological production in one aggregation of EFs calculation. In this paper, a modified method for assessing EEF isdeveloped based on global NPP, thereby primarily focusing on the interaction between COs emissions and
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期2900-2909,共10页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家发改委专项(气候司[2008-07]) 国家公派留学基金项目(20113005)
关键词 生态足迹 能源足迹 净初级生产力 空间占用 ecological footprint energy ecological footprint net primary productivity land appropriation
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