4P.Townsend.Poverty in the United Kingdom: A Survey of the Household Resources and Living Standard[M].Califounia: Califounia of University Press, 1979. 被引量:1
5B.Seebohm tkowntree. Poverty: A Study of Town Life [ M ]. London:Rouledge/thoemmes Press, 1997. 被引量:1
6Scott. Poverty and Wealth [ M ].London;New York:Longman, 1994. 被引量:1
6See Carl Wellman, Welfare Rights and Duties of Charity,in Rights and Duties, VolumeS, Routledge New York, 2002. 被引量:1
7David Kelley, A Life of Ones Own: Individual Right and the Welfare State, in Cato Institute Washington,D. C, 1998. 被引量:1
8See West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish,300 U. S. (1937). 被引量:1
9See Social Security Act of 1935, http://WWW, national center, org/socialsecurityAct, html. 被引量:1
10See Bruce S. Jansson,The Reluctant Welfare State American Social Welfare Policies:Past, Present and Future Pacific Grove: Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company, 1997, pp. 234 --235. 被引量:1