目的 口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤根治术后导致的功能障碍给患者带来了生活中的不便,颜面部的畸形使患者对生存丧失勇气。过去国内外学者采用胸大肌等带蒂或游离移植术来修复创面,但终因手术较为复杂等使推广应用受到某些限制。为寻找简单实用的修复方法,我科使用颞肌瓣修复用口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤术后造成的颌面畸形。方法 对12例口腔恶性肿瘤患者,实行肿瘤切除后颞肌瓣即刻修复。结果 全部病例转移修复的颞肌瓣均存活,伤口痊愈,口腔内洞穿缺损消灭,颞肌瓣表面在术后二周出现粘膜化。结论 颞肌瓣修复口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤术后引起的畸形是可行的,且其方法简单易操作,对患者创伤小,转移皮瓣存活率高。
Object It will bring unconvenience to the patients suffering from oral and moxillofacial malignant tumor after radical dissection. Defects on oral and maxillofaeial region will make the patients lose living confidence. In past, surgeons usually reconstructed the defects with pedunculated pectoralis major masculocutaneous flap or other free flaps. Complicated operations limit their spreading. To find a simple and feasible method, since 1994, our department began to use temporalis myofoscial fiap as the material to fullfil the defects after operations on such patients.Method We carried out immediate reconstruction after radical dissection of malignant tumors on oral and maxillofacial region, with 12 cases.Results All the transferred temporalis myofascial flap survive with excellent heal. No spare defects exists. mucosa appear on the flap surface two weeks later.Conclusion It's an ideal method for temporalis myofascial flap to reconstruct defects caused by dissection of malignant tumor on oral and maxillofacial region. It's a feasible and simple way for surgeous and brings the patients as less as possible wound, as well as high survive rate.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Temporalis myofoscial flap
Immediate reconstruction