
基于社会网络分析的中国跨区域技术创新合作研究 被引量:9

On Interregional Technology Innovation Cooperation in China by Social Network Analysis
摘要 21世纪以来,技术创新合作已经从组织内部的合作发展为跨组织、跨区域、跨国界的合作。基于社会网络分析方法,构建了分析跨区域技术创新合作网络结构的7个指标,利用UCINET软件,以国家知识产权局公开的1985—2008年全部共同申请专利数据为基础,对我国跨区域技术创新合作网络的空间结构演化进行了实证分析,发现我国跨区域技术创新合作网络的规模、密度、强度、空间范围等都表现出良好的发展态势。 After 21 century, the technology innovation cooperation has crossed the border of firm, region and nation. The thesis, based on social network Aanalysis, constructed seven indexes to analysis the network structure of interregional technology innovation cooperation, using UCINET software and the patent co - inventorships data published by the State In- tellectual Property Office of the People' s Republic of China in 1985 -2008. By the method of social network analysis, it studied the evolution of the interregional innovation network spatial structure in China, and found that the scale, density, intensity and special range of interregional innovation cooperation network in China had been well developed.
作者 弓志刚
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第10期10-14,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家软科学基金项目"面向区域创新能力提高的我国东西部合作研究"(2007GXQ4D188)
关键词 跨区域 技术创新合作 社会网络分析 interregional innovation cooperation social network analysis
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