
经济发展方式转变的政治经济学分析 被引量:2

The Transformation of Economic Development Pattern:An Analysis from the perspectives of Political Economy
摘要 中国的经济发展方式一直呈粗放特点,而转变经济发展方式是中国十多年来经济改革和发展进程中的热点和难点。本文认为政府是促进经济发展方式转变的核心,在此基础上,从利益集团影响的角度,分析了在政府控制过多资源和职能转变不到位的情况下,某些国有部门和某些依附权力的资本集团对经济增长质量(TFP增长率)的损害,指出政府在促进经济发展方式转变中应注意的问题和应采取的措施。 Chinese economic development is driven by factor input. How to change the development pattern is the most im- portant and focused problem. The key to solve this problem lies in government reform. Since there exists the influence of inter- est group, we find that when the government controls too much resource, and the government function still keeps distance from what the market requires, the interest group such as SOEs and capitalist attached to government can use the government's re- source to benefit themselves at the cost of the quality of economic development(TFP). Some methods are suggested to prevent this harm.
作者 胡家勇 陈健
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《中国经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期3-11,共9页 China Economic Studies
关键词 经济发展方式 政府 利益集团 economic development government reform interest group
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