目的建立2型糖尿病大鼠模型,检测并比较正常大鼠、糖尿病大鼠和胰岛素干预大鼠种植体周围骨组织中转化生长因子β1(transforming growth factor,TGF-β1)表达水平,探讨关于2型糖尿病经胰岛素治疗后对种植体骨结合可能的影响机制。方法将30只大鼠随机分为正常对照组(T0)、糖尿病种植组(T1)、糖尿病种植胰岛素干预组(T2),在各组大鼠右侧胫骨近骺端种植纯钛种植体,12周后处死大鼠,采用免疫组化方法检测各组种植体周围骨组织TGF-β1表达水平。结果种植术12周后,T0组TGF-β1水平高于T1组、T2组,T2组水平高于T1组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 2型糖尿病可能改变种植体周围骨组织中TGF-β1表达,削弱种植体骨结合,而胰岛素可通过增加TGF-β1的表达加强种植体骨结合。
Objective To detect and compare the expression of transforming growth factor β-1 (TGF-β1) in osseous tissue around implant between normal rats,diabetic rats with or without insulin intervention,and explore the possible mechanisms on the implant osseointegration after treating type 2 diabetes with insulin.Methods Thirty rats were divided into 3 groups:normal implanting group (T0),diabetic implant group (T1) and diabetic implant with insulin intervention group (T2).Titanium implants were inserted into the right tibia near the epiphseal end of all rats,12 weeks after implantation,using immunohistochemical methods the expression of TFG-β1 around implant was evaluated.Results 12 weeks after implantation,the expression level of TFG-β1 in T0 was higher than T1 and T2,and that of T2 was higher than T1.The difference was statistically significant (P 0.05).Conclusion Type 2 diabetes may change the expression of TFG-β1 in the bone tissue around the implant and weaken the implant osseointergration,whereas insulin can increase the expression of TFG-β1 and strengthen the implant osseointegration.
China Modern Medicine