

Research on Reflection Coefficient for Optical Fiber Sensor with ZnO Coating Base on NPSA
摘要 根据ZnO镀膜光纤传感器的几何结构和等效网络模型,建立了目标函数压电层反射系数模型。提出了一种交叉算子的小生境粒子群算法,优化后的压电层反射系数收敛性较高,入射波的接收效率大大提高。得出了一系列器件参数数据,为ZnO镀膜光纤声光相位传感器的制作提供了理论参考。 Based on the structure and network model of the optical fiber sensor with piezoelectric ZnO coating, a target function model for piezoelectric reflection coefficient is presented in this paper. A Niche particle swarm optimization algorithm combined with crossover operator is proposed. The convergent precision is improved for the optimized piezoelectric reflection coefficient and it's incident wave receiving efficiency has been greatly improved. A set of optics parameters data can be obtained from the simulation results which provide theoretical references for the fabrication of the fiber sensor with piezoelectric ZnO coating.
出处 《武夷学院学报》 2012年第2期68-71,共4页 Journal of Wuyi University
关键词 光纤传感器 反射系数 基本粒子群算法 小生境粒子群算法 optic fiber sensor reflection coefficient particle swarm optimization niche particle swarm optimization algorithm
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