Objective To improve the quality of work in wound care center by a questionnaire and training among wound management nurses. Methods A questionnaire was developed to assess wound management nurses" general information and wound care knowledge. Regular trainings including lectures of specialists, case discussion of difficult wound care and demonstration of routine procedure were performed according to the initial survey problems. Reassessment was conducted to evaluate the effect of trainings. The effective- ness of training were determined by the second assessment. Results The initial survey revealed 92 % of the nurses thought the total time of wound education was insufficient. Nurses lacked confidence when managing chronic and complicated wound. About 80% of them grasped basic knowledge, including disinfection and isolation, wound assessment, dressing application and routine debridement. However, the knowledge of the mechanisms and investigation advancement of common chronic wound was inadequate. After half year of systemic training, assessment for the second time revealed the items mentioned above and the level of knowledge, science research, the ability to solve problems independently were improved. Conclusion Performing investigation of wound management nurses" knowledge and conducting variety of training had important significance to improve the quality of work in wound care center.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
wound management knowledge survey training