在《史记·孔子世家》中 ,存在不少有争议的笔墨 ,这正好折射出司马迁所意欲表白的一家之言。对这篇史传中有争议材料的分析 ,可以看出司马迁之所以对孔子才干刻意夸大 ,是为了反衬孔子不幸的悲剧命运 ;同时 ,他是将孔子视为具有灵活处世能力而非生硬呆板者而加以描绘的 ,并不惜用大量轶事揭示其不废原则、勇于权变之思想特征及忍辱忘忧、奋发有为之人生态度。正是这种对孔子形象的独特描绘 。
There are still many writings in dispute about the biography of Confucius in Records of History which are just the special views that Simaqian wanted to express. To analyze the disputed materials in this historical biography can make out that Simaqian had deliberately overdrawn Confucius's ability just in order to serve as a foil to his tragic life. At the same time, he delineated Confucius as an agile but not a pedantic man. He also did not spare writings in a great deal of anecdotes to reveal his mental characteristics of insisting on principles and playing to the score, and his living attitude of enduring humiliation and strenuosity.It is this unusual description about Confucius that has brought an endless dispute afterwards.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition