左宗棠收复新疆有深刻的思想基础。首先左重视经世致用之学 ,研究新疆地理 ,认识到西北边疆在国防上的重要地位。龚白珍、魏源、林则徐等的影响 ,更加坚定了他有志于新疆的决心。在镇压太平天国及陕某回民起义过程中也大大提高了他的军事势力 ,军事能力和军事思想。另外就是左宗棠在第一次鸦片战争中 ,埋下了抵抗外国侵略者的决心 。
Zuozongtang had a deep ideological foundation when he recovered xinjiang.First,he took prag matism seriousty and realized the important position of northwest border in national defence by studying Xinjiang′s geographical position.Gong Baizhen,Wei Yuan and LinZexu bad a great effect upon him and this further strengthened his determination to recover Xinjiang. While putting down the uprisings of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Hui ethnic group in Shanxi and Gansu,he greatly enhanced his military power,ability and thinking. Besides,he had made up his mind to resist foreigner′s invasion during the first Opium War especially he had deeply realized the conspiracy that England and Russia had attempted to invade our Xinjing
Journal of Luoyang University