:“三言”“两拍”的作者按照市民阶层的审美理想 ,精心设计出平凡世俗的市井角色、阴盛阳衰的情场角色、夫妻谐协的家庭角色 ,这种角色设计缘于“小传统”文化背景 ,冲破了在“大传统”文化背景下偏重文士、男性、夫权的角色设计框架 ,令人耳目一新。
According to the common people's aesthetic ideal, the auther of “San Yan”and “Liang Pai”have designed extractively for the civic role in ordinary life, the vigorous women and Coward men in love affairs as well as the harmonious man and wife Setting on the cultural background of “little tradition”, the role design breakes the frame which lays particular stress on the Scholars, on the domination of man and the authority of husband under the cultural background of “great tradition”. It makes everybody find everything new and fresh.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)