目的:了解横县近7年法定传染病的发病态势,分析其流行特征和规律,为制定防治策略和措施提供科学依据。方法:收集该县2004—2010年的法定传染病乙类和丙类疫情资料,采用Excel软件进行统计分析。结果:全县近7年报告乙类和丙类传染病25种共42 828例,人群年均报告发病率为534.26/10万,其中乙类传染病17种共24 458例,人群年均报告发病率为305.10/10万。年报告发病率居前5位的是病毒性肝炎、肺结核、梅毒、淋病和痢疾。传染病死亡人数共188例,人群死亡率为2.35/10万,其中艾滋病病例占总死亡人数的37.23%,狂犬病病例占26.60%,肺结核病例占22.87%。结论:该县近7年乙类和丙类传染病报告发病率呈逐年增多趋势,一些旧病种复燃且不断出现新病种。艾滋病病例死亡人数呈逐年上升趋势,是导致当地人群死亡的主要传染病病种,而狂犬病及肺结核死亡人数在逐年下降,仍需进一步加强传染病的监控和预防。
Objective: To analyze the epidemic condition of infectious diseases in Hengxian county from 2004 to 2010,and to provide a scientific measurement and prevention for the diseases.Methods: Data regard to infectious disease of category B and C were collected from the county during 2004 to 2010.Windows Excel was used to statistical analyze.Results: In pass 7 years,there were 25 different types of category B and C infectious diseases with total of 42 828 cases.The annual population incidence rate was at 534.26/100 000,where 17 types of the category B infectious diseases with incidence rate at 305.10/100 000 at total 24 458 cases.Top five reported infectious diseases were hepatitis virus,pulmonary tuberculosis,syphilis,gonorrhea and dysentery.There were 188 death cases with mortality rate at 2.35/100 000,where 37.23% was AIDS/HIV,26.6% was rabies and 22.87% was pulmonary tuberculosis.Conclusions: The incidence of category B and C infectious diseases increased in pass seven years.The existent illness didn't eliminate,but new infectious diseases started to emerge,amount this AIDS/HIV is the main cause of death for the local population and have trend to increase.However,the death toll for the existent illness such as pulmonary tuberculosis and rabies declined,still further epidemic surveillance and prevention is needed to strengthen.
Modern Medical Journal
infectious diseases
epidemic situation
report incidence