1997 年中美关系走出低谷, 1998 年后美国的台海两岸政策出现了一些有利于我的积极变化, 但诱发中美就台湾问题产生危机的根源依然存在。1999 年美国轰炸我驻南大使馆、对台大量出售武器, 尤其是台湾李登辉抛出“两国论”, 使美对华政策面临新的考验与变数。21 世纪之初的一段时间内, 美国的两岸政策仍将有所波动、反复, 但总体上将会呈现出战略上模糊、战术上鼓励两岸对话的趋势, 美国将在中美三个联合公报和《与台湾关系法》之间谋求某种平衡。美在售台武器、美台高层人员往来问题上对我做出大的让步的可能性不大。
Since 1998, some positive changes have appeared in the U S cross strait policy,yet the root cause of the possible crisis of the Sino American relationship for the Taiwan Question still exists.The bombing of the Chinese embassay in Belgrade and the large scale weapon sale to Taiwan have exposed the U S China Policy to new trials and variablities.In the beginning period of the new century,the U S cross strait policy will have turn backs and fluctuations,but present the trend of strategic ambiguity and tactical encouragement of the dialogue between the two sides.The U S will pursue a kind of equilibrium between the Three Joint Declarations and The Relation Law With Taiwan.There will be little room of the U S. concessions on the issues,such as the weapon sales to Taiwan and the high level meeting between the U S. and Taiwan.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages