信息社会和信息技术的快速发展 ,使传统的护理管理模式、理论体系、技术手段、人才结构等受到严重冲击。将最新科技成果应用于护理学科 ,扩展其学术内涵 ,逐步形成一门新兴的、具有时代特征的、能满足护理学发展需求的前沿学科———《护理信息学》 ,已成为现代护理学发展的必然趋势。通过对当前形势的分析 ,阐述了信息技术在护理学科领域中的应用 ,提出了《护理信息学》
With the quick developments of the information society and technology, the traditional model of nursing management, theory system, technical means, and structure of qualified personnel were seriously lashed. It also challenges the nursing science. To use the newest scientific and technological achievement, to expand its science connotation, and to form a new forward position science——“nursing information science' gradually. Which has the characteristic of the era and can meet the needs of the nursing science developments. It already has become inevitable trend of the modern nursing science developments. This paper expounded the applying of information technology in the field of nursing science. And it put forward some thinking and ways on“nursing information science' study.
Nursing science Nursing information Study