研究并测定了DRDECMP TBP/煤油对Am3+ 、Gd3+ 、UO2 2 + 的萃取分配比。研究结果表明 ,分配比随DRDECMP浓度或水相中HNO3浓度的增大而增大 ,随水相中Gd3+ 浓度的增大或温度的升高而降低 ;当有机相中TBP浓度增大时 ,Am3+ 、Gd3+ 的分配比略有下降 ,UO2 2 + 的分配比略有升高 ;酸度低时 ,Am3+ 和Gd3+ 的分配比低 ,可实现低酸反萃取 ;而低酸下UO2 2 + 的分配比较高 ,采用H2 C2 O4 等配位剂可有效降低其分配比 ,实现配合反萃取。
The properties of DRDECMP TBP/kerosene for the extraction of Am 3+ ,Gd 3+ and UO 2 2+ have been studied. The results are as follows:(1) D (Am 3+ ), D (Gd 3+ ) and D (UO 2 2+ ) increase with an increasing concentration of DRDECMP or HNO 3 in aqueous phase, decrease with increasing concentration of aqueous Gd 3+ or with an raising temperature. Increasing concentration of TBP can slightly decrease D (Am 3+ ) and D (Gd 3+ ) but increase D (UO 2 2+ ). D (UO 2 2+ ) can be effectively decreased by H 2C 2O 4 at low concentration of HNO 3.(2) The low D (Am 3+ ) and D (Gd 3+ ) in low HNO 3 concentration are advantageous for their stripping by dilute HNO 3. The complexing effect of H 2C 2O 4 is advantageous for the stripping of UO 2 2+ . (3)The extraction property of DRDECMP is very similar to that of DHDECMP, but the price of DRDECMP is lower than that of DHDECMP, so it is a very promising extractant for extracting actinides from HLLW.TUDIES
Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry
核工业科学基金资助项目!(Y42 2 0 193810 1)