

Cases of Name and Argument
摘要 名与辩的讨论始于春秋,盛于战国,衰落于秦统一六国。运用归纳列举的方法,分析儒家、名家和墨家名与辩的思想。孔子的"正名"说开启并推动了先秦时期的名实关系大讨论,其开创意义不容忽视;公孙龙的"白马非马"和"唯谓"之说,已经使名实问题的讨论从服务于政治需求的"正名"说中分离出来,走向了"专决于名"的抽象研究,其学术思想,不失为中国思想史上的一朵奇葩;荀子重"辩",但荀子的辩并不是争胜的论辩,而是教化礼义的谈说之术;墨子倡导并研究"谈辩",后期墨家形成了墨家独到之辩学,对"辩"进行了首次界定及功用的全面概括。名学与辩学具有表述和论证方法方面的内容。对此了解,既有助于我们对传统文化中重智一面的继承与弘扬,也对今日生活中论说、交际与求知的成功有积极的借鉴意义。 The discussion of name and argument begins at the Spring and Autumn Period,becomes strong at the Warring States Period and declines at the unity of six states by Qin.The methods of induction and listing are applied to analyse the thoughts of name and argument of Confucian,famous expert and Mohist.The theory of rectification name of Confucian starts and promotes a great discussion to the relationship between name and reality in Pre-qin dynasty,its beginning significance can not be neglected.The theory of the white horse is not a horse and predicative of Gongsun Long makes the discussion of the problem of name and reality separating from the theory of rectification name serving for the need for politics,going to an abstract study of the specialty decided by name,his academic thought can be a wonderful work in the history of China thought.Xun Zi pays attention to argument,but his argument is not for winning,but a talking skill in morality education.Mo Zi advocates and study talking argument and the late Mohist form a special argument theory,firstly defines and totally concludes the argument.The theory of name and argument have the contents on expressing and arguing method.Knowing this can help us passing on and carrying forward the attention to wisdom of traditional culture,and it also has the active reference significance to success of discussion,communication and learning in our daily life.
作者 崔清田
机构地区 南开大学哲学院
出处 《毕节学院学报(综合版)》 2012年第3期34-40,共7页 Journal of Bijie University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"墨家推理方法研究--符号学视角"成果之一 项目编号:10YJA72040002
关键词 名实关系 辩学 Name Argument Relationship between Name and Reality Argument Theory
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