
微圆柱阵列塑件超声振动注射模设计 被引量:2

Ultrasonic vibration injection mould for micro pin fin array part
摘要 以微圆柱阵列塑件为对象,分析了超声振动微注射模的结构设计要点及影响制品成型质量的因素,设计了带有抽真空排气、油加热与水冷却联合控温的超声振动微注射模。通过注射成型试验,获得了质量合格的微圆柱阵列塑件。结果表明,在微注射成型过程中施加超声振动及抽真空排气能够有效提高聚合物熔体充模流动性能和塑件上微结构部分的填充完整性。 An ultrasonic vibration microinjection mould was designed for a micro pin fm army part, by analyzing its construction features and relative factors that influence the molding quality. A vacuum pump exhaust system and a oil heating and water cooling were applied in this mould. Results show that by applying ultrasonic vibration and vacuum pump exhaust syatem in microinjection molding process, the filling flow property of the polymer melt and the microstructure's filling integrity of the plastic part were greatly improved.
出处 《模具工业》 2012年第5期41-45,共5页 Die & Mould Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51175060)
关键词 微圆柱阵列塑件 微注射模 超声振动 抽真空排气 micro pin fm array part microinjection mould ultrasonic vibration vacuum pump exhaust
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