
结直肠损伤 被引量:8

Colorectal injury
摘要 近年来结直肠损伤的救治水平有了明显进步,但仍存在并发症发生率高、腹膜外结直肠损伤漏诊率高、转流造口手术率高等问题。本文介绍了结直肠损伤的2种分类方法:穿透伤和钝性伤,毁损伤和非毁损伤。在分析结直肠损伤漏诊有关因素的基础上,提出了诊断策略和剖腹术中探查要点,全面阐述了结肠和腹膜内段直肠、腹膜外段直肠的手术策略和手术方式。 Although the treatment of colorectal injury has been remarkably improved in recent years,there are problems of high incidence of complication,missed diagnosis of the extraperitoneal colorectal injury,and abuse of diverting colostomy,etc..In this paper,two methods of colorectal injury classification have been introduced: penetrating injury and blunt injury,destructive injury and nondestructive injury.Based on the analysis of the related factors affecting the missed diagnosis,the strategies of diagnosis and exploratory laparotomy have been proposed,and the operation methods and strategies for colonic,intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal rectal injuries have been expounded.
作者 张连阳
出处 《创伤外科杂志》 2012年第3期287-288,F0003,共3页 Journal of Traumatic Surgery
基金 国家科技支撑计划"创伤和重症急救技术研究"(2012BAI11B00)
关键词 结肠损伤 直肠损伤 诊断 手术 colonic injury rectal injury diagnosis operation
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