
“因庙营城”——明清时期中国五岳岳庙与所在城市空间格局初探 被引量:4

“Building cities nearby temples"——Reserch on the Spatiat Pattern between the Grand Temples of the Five Great Mountains and the Local cities in Ming and Qirg Dynasty
摘要 中国五岳岳庙,自古以来作为国家官方祭祀和道教洞天福地的场所,一直备受隆崇,时毁时修,依存至今。五岳岳庙的礼制等级和建筑规制都很高,整个建筑群的基址规模也都宏大壮观,势必会对所在城市产生影响。本文通过对相关史料的搜集和整理,以中国五岳岳庙与所在城市相互影响为主要研究对象,着重对岳庙与城市的空间位置变迁、基址规模比较以及岳庙对所在城市的空间影响进行初步的探讨和比较分析。 Since ancient times the Grand Temples of the Five Great Mountains in China were known as the places to hold the government official's sacrificial ceremony and the Taoist' s worships. These Temples were grandly admired, but during the long history were burnt and restored many times, however they still exist up to the present. Ceremonies held in the Grand Temples of the Five Great Mountains as well as the temple buildings' structures were of the highest rank. Scale of architectural complexes was also very large, and it certainly imposed a great impact on development of local cities. The interaction between the Grand Temples of the Five Great Mountains and the local cities is the main object of research in this article. Based on relevant historical materials, this paper is a preliminary analysis of changes of Grand Temples' locations, of comparing the scale of the Grand Temples and the local cities and of influence of the Grand Temples on the local cities' space.
作者 杨博 王贵祥
出处 《建筑师》 2012年第2期51-58,共8页 The Architect
基金 清华大学王贵祥教授主持的国家自然科学基金支持项目"明代建城运动与古代城市等级 规制及城市主要建筑类型 规模与布局研究"(项目编号:50778093)的子课题
关键词 明清时期 五岳岳庙 当地城市 空间位置 基址规模 相互影响 Ming and Qing Dynasties Grand Temples of the Five Great Mountains Local city Location Site scale Interaction.
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