对1台1 000MW汽轮机组在调试运行期间可倾瓦轴承上发生的非稳态振动进行分析,从振动特征上判明了可倾瓦轴承上出现的油膜涡动和振荡是振动增大的主要原因,通过增加顶轴油管长度和转弯半径等措施消除了振动。
During the commissioning process of a 1000MW steam turbine unit, an analysis was carried out on the unsteady vibration fault occurring in the tilting-pad bearing. Based on the vibration characteristics, the oil whirl and oil whip existing in the tilting-pad bearing are found to be the main causes leading to the intensified vibration, which has finally been reduced by extending the length and enlarging the turning radius of pipeline in jacking oil system.
Power Equipment