General physics and condensed matter physics(including semiconductor physics) have been the basic background for microelectronic devices and optical devices. Entering the 21st century, with rapid development of nanofabrication, re- search and development in optoelectronic devices presented a new challenge. We must apply the concept of quantum electro- dynamics and mesoscopic physics in this new endeavor. In QED, the energy of photon is a quanta, photons and electrons can be converted. In mesoscopic physics photon can also be localized and the photonic crystal fabricated can have his own photon- ic band structure. However, for a long time in the past, applied scientists and engineers are always used to separate electron and photon in device fabrication. And they used to take photon as a particle or a wave packet with extremely high speed. Later than 1960, the development of laser devices and photovoltaic devices require the principle of inter-band excitation and photoelectric conversion in macroscopic sample. Start from 1990's, with the rapid development of nanofabrication technolo- gy, numbers of nano device with resolution of 10~100 nanometer have been produced. The dimension of elementary units of these devices are less than one light wave length or even less than mean free path of electron, scientists have access to a se- ries of unexpected findings. It is possible to realize photoelectric conversion or photon-electron-photon conversion in less than 100 nanometers. Based on a large number of the latest discovery of new phenomenon, a new device technology= Nano-device technology is promoted. LPN is a France national nano-research platform, In this report I will be combined with our plat- form research and development results to explain the principles of nano-device and the trend of nano-devices.
Optics & Optoelectronic Technology
nanometer photoelectronic device
nanometer photovelectronic technique
quan- tum electrodynamics