建筑业在我国国民经济中占有重要地位 ,是我国国民经济的支柱产业之一。但是 ,由于历史的原因 ,我国的大中型国有施工企业普遍经济效益低下。推行项目法施工 ,在企业内部建立生产要素市场 ,把责、权、利落实到具体的个人和利益主体上 ,是提高施工企业的活力和经济效益的有效途径。本文就施工企业如何建立企业内部人才、劳动力、物资供应、设备租赁。
In order to increase the economic benefits of building enterprises, as a vailid way,it is advisable to practise the method of project management and set up the market of essential factors of production, then, the responsibility, authority and benefit should be implemented down to everyone or every benefical subject. Analyzing the enterprises,present situation, the article aims to solve the probelems of how to set up the inner markets of talented persons, labour services, material supply, facility leasing and funds.
Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University